
Dos Cabezas

Jean-Michel Basquiat - 1982

  • Underlying AssetDos Cabezas
  • Maximum Token Proceeds USD 34,100,000
  • Maximum Token Issuance6,200 Tokens
  • Minimum Subscription10 Tokens = USD 55,000
  • Annual Management FeeUSD 110 per Token
USD 5,500/ Token
Investment calculation

Jean-Michel Basquiat - 1982

Dos Cabezas

Reference Value:
USD 5,500/ Token
Number of tokens:
Please input the number of tokens. Minimum 10 tokens.
Investing in DOS CABEZAS, an alternative painting venture, offers a distinctive opportunity for investors seeking portfolio diversification. DOS CABEZAS, known for its avant-garde approach and cultural storytelling, taps into the growing demand for unique artistic expressions. The strategy involves recognizing the limited edition and exclusive nature of DOS CABEZAS paintings, fostering a sense of rarity. Building partnerships with galleries and leveraging digital platforms to showcase the artist's process can enhance market visibility. The investment appeal lies not just in the artwork's aesthetic value but also in the cultural narratives, making DOS CABEZAS a unique proposition in the alternative investment landscape.